The Word of God is Living & Powerful

“For the Word of God is living and powerful, and sharper than any two edged sword, piercing even to the division of soul and spirit, and of joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart.” (Hebrews 4:12)

Before the internet came along, there was a ‘Book of the Month Club’.  I’m not sure if it still exists, but if it does I’m sure it is in the form of ‘E-Books’. Hebrews 4:12 makes it very clear that the Bible is not the ‘Book of the Month’. It is the ‘Book of the Ages’!!! It is up to date and it is relevant. There is life-changing power in this book. We read other books, but this book reads us. God says,”Is not my Word… like a hammer that breaks the rock in pieces?” (Jeremiah 23:29) 

The Bible has real power. The power to save the sinner. The power to break addiction and set the captive free. It has the power to bring humility to the proudest person. It has the power to bring healing to the broken parts of your story. We can’t be saved, or lead anyone else to be saved apart from the Word of God.
Knee Mail:
We have been keeping a record of answered prayers. Some major, but all vitally meaningful. Our hope is that you will allow us to come alongside you in intercession and prayer. Please let us know what we can bring to the Throne on your behalf.
This week @ City: 
Sunday 10:30 AM –
Our Palm Sunday worship finds us looking at the ‘Triumphal Entry’ of our Lord. I find it fascinating that we can find the details of what takes place as far back as Genesis 49: 10,11, and Zechariah 9:9.   We hope you will join us for worship in music and the Word as our message ‘What Kind of Saviour?’  brings us before the Throne. 
Sunday 7 PM –
Revelation chapter 7 in our series Revelation Revealed, is a message that shows us that ‘Our God Is An Awesome God.
Wednesday 7 PM –
Prayer meeting and Bible study in the book of Luke in the fellowship hall.
Thursday 10 AM –
Ladies Bible Study in the fellowship hall.
Good Friday 9:30 AM –
Our annual ‘Pancake Breakfast’, hosted by the men and followed by a worship service is a wonderful time of fellowship. Plan to be here.
In Christ alone,
Pastor Bill