If you wish to support City Bible Church financially in furthering the mission to tell others about the good news of Jesus Christ, please prayerfully consider giving today.

Your donations to City Bible Church are greatly appreciated and we commit to use your gifts with the utmost care and integrity to honour the Lord’s finances.



  • Go to your online bank app.

  • Click on the E-Transfer button and follow your bank’s instructions. (Contact your personal bank to determine if there are any fees for this transaction.)

  • Send your donation to info@citybible.ca and include in the message section:
    • your envelope #, if you have one,
    • your name, address, and telephone #
    • where you would like to see your gift designated to*. 
  • Your donation will then be directly deposited into our account and a confirmation email sent to you and to us.


Send your donation to:


60 Melville Road

Sault Ste. Marie, ON 

P6A 5J3



Church at 705-942-1064

or Pastor Bill at 705-255-1959


E-Transfer: Include your specifications in the message section of your e-transfer or send us an email, immediately after transferring your donation, to info@citybible.ca. Outline how you would like your donation to be distributed–clearly indicating what mission, missionary, program, or project you want your donation to go to.

Mail or Pickup: Include a note outlining how you would like your donation distributed.

Giving is limited to City Bible Church, Inc. approved missions, missionaries, programs, and projects. For a complete listing, contact us at info@citybible.ca or 705-942-1064.

If you do not specify, your donation will be added to our General Fund and used towards the general monthly expenses of City Bible Church, Inc.


The spending of funds is confined to the Church’s approved missions, programs and purchases. We commit to use your gifts for the mission, program or project that you request, as long as it needs funding. If for some reason the program or project cannot be carried out or is funded sufficiently, you have authorized City Bible Church, Inc to use the funds for other ministry purposes.