Oh, that You would rend the heavens! That You would come down! That the mountains might shake at Your presence.  As fire burns brushwood, as fire causes water to boil- To make Your name known to Your adversaries, that the nations may tremble at Your presence.  Isaiah 64:1,2 

I am happy to report that the Lord is answering our prayers and opening His Word to many hearts. (This week I received a request for prayer from a young father in Texas, who follows us on YouTube, asking for prayer for him and his family.) Surely, it is divine intervention we need when there is such a pressing and persistent pull from the world from every side of us, trying to lure us away from the passionate love of Christ. There is a famine for the hearing of the Word of God these days. The devil has weapons that he is adept at using to seek to affect us on every level and keep us from the living Word.
The WMDs of the devil are not new… It’s like he custom makes them for each generation and also for specific people. He is desperate to pollute the love and light of the church. We must not be tricked by him!
Knee Mail: 
Prayer (without ceasing) is the key to victory in our warfare. Let us join you in letting ‘requests be made known’ to the Father. 
Sunday at City:
This week we will wrap up our series in Luke 15, The Way Home. You are invited to join us at 10:30 for worship around the Word, or on YouTube/ City Bible Church SSM after 9 AM.
Sunday Night:
We gather at 7 PM for an informal time of worship and testimonies. This week’s message is Lights Out from Romans 1.
Wednesday Prayer Mtg/ Bible Study:
Our study in the ‘Character of Samuel’ is both relevant and rich in application. Starting at 7 PM. You are encouraged to come and be a part of the fellowship.
The Month Ahead:
*** Music Night (Sunday May 7th.) in support of CJTK Christian Radio. Special guests include ‘The Bill Webb Band’ , Peter & Candis Kent, Kathy McColeman & Karen Belanger with Frank Albidone & Mike Johnson. It all starts at 7 PM.
*** Men’s Fellowship (Saturday May 13th.) with testimony/message/special music by Peter Kent. 9 AM.
*** Mother’s Day (May 14th.)
*** Pot Blessing Lunch (May 28th.)
*** Ladies Night Out (May 29th.)
In Christ alone,
Pastor Bill