“Till we all come to the unity of the faith and of the knowledge of the Son of God, to a perfect man, to the measure of the stature of the fulness of Christ.” (Ephesians 4:13)
This verse speaks to the maturity of the believer. What is maturity? You can be spiritually healthy and not mature. A five year old child can be healthier than a fifty year old man, but he isn’t mature. If you are a new-born believer, and you are rejoicing in Christ, you’re healthy. But that doesn’t mean that you do not need to mature. You can be gifted and not mature. What is maturity? Maturity is ‘Christlikeness. Maturity is being Christ-like. That word perfect in the verse above means ‘mature.’ Paul was saying that his goal in ministry was to present everyone as a mature Christian. That’s my goal. That’s the goal of City Bible Church. Everything that we do is s’splendid nothing’ if we are not growing in the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ.
This week @ City:
Sunday 10:30 AM –
This week, our worship in music and the Word, finds us in John chapter 10:1-6. ‘The Shepherd King’
Sunday 7 PM –
Music Night with special guests: John Barban, Michael Dempster, Adam Bertrand and Jonathan Henson. A love offering is planned for the Salvation Army Food Bank.
Wednesday 7 PM –
Prayer meeting and Bible study in the book of Luke in the fellowship hall.
Thursday 10 AM –
Ladies Bible Study in the fellowship hall.
Until Christ Returns,
Pastor Bill