Greetings All,
I can hardly believe it’s the weekend all ready. Where has time gone? As I prepare for this weeks message, I am reminded that, although we are distanced from one another, we still have the opportunity to draw close to our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. As time flies by, there is always time to spend with Him, seeking His ‘Kingdom Purpose’ for our lives. That’s why I feel it’s important to have some sound biblical application, to help us with the decisions we make. Whether it is a minor decision, or a major decision, we need to make it a habit to seek His perfect will.
I am going to finish where I left off last week. However, I am sending you a link to watch that will highlight, in a dramatical way, a decision made by group of people, with His Kingdom Purpose in mind. It’s part of the Jim Elliot/ Nate Saint story that was instrumental in bringing the mission movement, as we know it, around the world. After their death, people around the world, were drawn to missions as never before. But there is more to the story as we see in the video clip.
Video Link:
Join us Sunday morning at 9 AM at: : YouTube/City Bible Church SSM
In Christ alone,
Pastor Bill