Hello All,
As we get together again on Wed. evening, we will pick up where we left off last week in Ezra chapter 9. We find the nation of Israel in trouble ‘spiritually,’ after they came out of captivity, mostly because of the affluence they were living in. They need revival!!! As we looked at the indicators of why they were where they were as a society, we found several indicators that we also see in our society.
So the question is; ‘What do we have to do, to experience revival?’
Join us at 7 PM on:
YouTube/ City Bible Church SSM
Knee Mail:
Please let us know how we can pray for you and those you love. It’s a privilege to hold you before the Throne of Grace.
Ask the Pastor:
Is there a question you have been wanting to ask but haven’t had the chance? Well here is your chance. Just send us an email or text and we will do our best to bring ‘light’ to it. This week we will respond to a question about treating those caught in a gay lifestyle. The answer may surprise you…
In Christ alone,
Pastor Bill