Greetings and Salutations,
I don’t know about you, but I really have had more than enough election coverage over the past several months. Wouldn’t it be a different world if our politicians ran the government on the Biblical principles it was founded on? It is a “watchdog to be fed, not a cow to be milked”.
I am reminded of 1 Peter 2: 15 – 17…
15) For this is the will of God, that by doing good you may put to silence the ignorance of foolish men— 16) as free, yet not using liberty as a cloak for vice, but as bondservants of God. 17) Honor all people. Love the brotherhood. Fear God. Honor the king.
I am so thankful for the freedom we have to worship ‘ in spirit and in truth’. We look forward to our study in Revelation chapter 4 this week, as we go live at 7 PM. (YouTube/City Bible Church SSM)
Knee Mail:
Please send along any requests we can bring to the Throne Room. We continue to pray for the following:
- A young lady with cancer spreading through her body. Pray for her to come to faith in Christ. Pray for her husband and son.
- Pray for the Lord to draw Courtney and Jeff to himself. That they desire a surrendered life.
- Restoration of marriages.
- Pray for a person planning to move to the Soo from Alberta. Pray for clear direction in her life.
- Steven Woods (My cousin in Alberta) has been promoted to Glory. Please pray for his family and loved ones as they grieve.
- Pray for Don McLeod (Glen and Audrey’s son) dealing with serious health issues, affecting his liver transplant.
- Vivian, feeling a little better from severe lower back pain
- Pray for Dan, a young father of 4, who is going through surgeries and treatment for cancer.
- Please pray for my niece, Cassie, who has been diagnosed with MS. Also, for my brother Ken who is moving to London to help her and her husband with children.
- Pray for the opportunity for each of us to be a ‘faithful witness‘ of the Gospel.
- Pray for those that mourn…
- A young man to find his way past anxiety and depression. Also for his mom to find some medical answers.
- Pray for the lost, the lonely…
- Pray for those battling addiction…
- Pray for those in authority over us…
- Pray for frontline workers as the number of those positive covid tests rise
- Pray for the vulnerable
- Pray for revival in our country
Join us Sunday morning at 9 AM online, or at 10:30 AM at the church. This week’s message is titled… ‘The Church Climate We Create’.
YouTube/City Bible Church SSM
Just a reminder that ‘Gifts, Tithes & Offerings’ can be etransfered to the email above, or if you want to have it picked up, you can call the church (705)942-1064 or me at (705) 255-1959.
In Christ alone,
Pastor Bill