” In Him we have redemption through His blood, the forgiveness of sins, according to the riches of His grace.” Ephesians 1:7
Many people have the idea in their minds that His love for us is dependant on how well I behave. As a result, we end up in denial of sinful habits, because we think that owning up to them would mean that God’s love for us had dwindled. That couldn’t be farther from the truth. When we examine Romans 5:8, “But God demonstrates His love toward us, in that while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us.” We discover His love could never dwindle. These words comfort and bring us to the place where our hungry hearts cause our eyes to devour them. Amazing Grace in an amazing truth!!! Ephesians 1:7 is telling us that our freedom was purchased with the Blood of Christ. It means that a release was brought about by the payment of a ransom.
Sunday @ City: We begin a new series on Repentance, and the first message is Getting Free. I am trusting His Word to reveal to us the freedom that is ours when we are in absolute surrender and obedience. The message can be found on… YouTube / City Bible Church SSM by 9 AM Sunday morning. Join us after the morning service for a ‘Pot Blessing’ meal.
Sunday Night: We hope you will join us at 7 PM for our ‘Annual General Meeting’ We also will be welcoming 3 new members.
Monday @ 7: Ladies Night out
Wednesday @ 7: Prayer meeting and Bible Study with Matt and Sandra.
Knee Mail: We count it a privilege to pray for/with you. Please let us know of anything we can join you before the Throne of Grace with.
In Christ alone,
Pastor Bill