Napoleon once said that China was a sleeping giant that we should let sleep, because if he wakes, he will shake the world. I believe the devil says that about the Church. The Church is a sleeping giant. We sleep because we have been ‘chloroformed‘ by the ‘spirit of this age‘.
“God has always had a people… Many a foolish conqueror has made the mistake of thinking that because he had forced the Church of Jesus Christ out of sight, he had stilled its voice and snuffed out its life. But God has always had a people. The powerful current of a rushing river is not diminished because it is forced to flow underground.” (Bill & Gloria Gaither)
I hope you are using this unprecedented time of ‘lockdown and stay-at-home’ to drink deeply from the ‘River of Life‘, equipping yourself for what lies ahead. We don’t know what the future holds, aren’t you so glad to know the One who holds the future.
Knee Mail:
We begin each Wednesday night’s study by praying for, and sharing prayer requests. Let us know how we can be praying for you.
Revelation Revealed: The King Is Coming
We will pick it up where we left off last week in Revelation 19:11. Someone said that ‘sorrow looks backward, worry looks around but faith looks up.’ Our study finds us looking more and more for His soon return. The King Is coming.
City Bible Church @ Home: ‘Let’s Take Communion Together’
What if there was something we could do that would bring us into a place of deep worship, a place of healing for body, soul and spirit, and into His presence unlike anything else… would you do it? This Sunday we hope to gather together around the emblems, to remember the Lord at the Lord’s Table. Please be prepared with bread/cracker and juice/wine, as we will look at some of the meaning of the ordinance of communion. If you are able, please take a look at a video (I think it’s about 8 minutes long) with Pastor Robert Morris. just click on the link below:
In His grip
Pastor Bill