Hello to each of you,
I hope you are not overwhelmed with the heat, and are able to find a cool place in air conditioning, or in front of a fan.
I hope you’ll join us for our Wednesday evening Bible study as we close out the study of the life of Joseph. The last 4 words in the last chapter of Genesis, ‘a coffin in Egypt’ is the title and topic. It promises to be one you won’t want to miss.
YouTube/ City Bible Church SSM
Knee Mail:
We welcome the opportunity to bring whatever prayer request you have before the Lord.
It’s not the arithmetic of our prayers; that is, how many there are.
It’s not the geometry of our prayer, how long it might be.
It’s not the rhetoric of our prayer, how eloquent it may be.
It’s not the music of our prayer, how sweet our voice.
It’s not the logic of our prayer, how eloquent we become.
It’s not the method of our prayer, how methodical we are.
But it’s the faith and the fervency that counts with God.
In Christ alone,
Pastor Bill