It’s Friday, but Sunday’s coming!

“It’s Friday, but Sunday is coming…”  (Well almost Friday – I am sending this a day early to remind you of our Good Friday service.)

The three crosses at Calvary raise an important question for each of us. Do you believe that Jesus, as God’s Son, came to redeem you from the penalty of sin? Do you believe He was victorious over death, hell and the grave? 
One thief said yes; the other said no. You and I have the same opportunity. Jesus died for you. You can be saved radically, dramatically and instantaneously for eternity, if you will put your faith where God has put your sins – on Jesus Christ.
God forgives sin, but how? There must be someone who pays the penalty for sin, because God is a Holy God and can not overlook it. If God were to overlook it, He would no longer be Holy, any more than a judge would be a righteous judge if he overlooked crime. There is a saying that goes, “When a guilty man is acquitted, the judge is condemned.” If a judge overlooks crime, murder or robbery, or whatever, because he said… “I’m a loving judge, I’ll let you go.” At that moment, the judge becomes a criminal.   
If God were to simply overlook sin without punishing it, He would not be a Holy God. If there were another way for you and I to be saved, God would have taken it. That’s why the Apostle Paul said, “I am not ashamed of the Gospel of Christ, for it is the power of God to salvation…” (Romans 1:16) 
Jesus died for you, and He wants you to live a life that glorifies Him and shares that hope with others.
Knee Mail:
We have been keeping a record of answered prayers. Some major, but all vitally meaningful. Our hope is that you will allow us to come alongside you in intercession and prayer. Please let us know what we can bring to the Throne on your behalf.
This week @ City: 
Good Friday 9:30 AM
Our annual ‘Pancake Breakfast’, hosted by the men and followed by a worship service is a wonderful time of fellowship. Plan to be here.
Sunday 10:30 AM –
“He is risen, He is risen indeed…” Our Easter Sunday worship celebration is centered around music and a message from Isaiah 53 as we look at the Suffering Servant. 
Sunday 7 PM –
No evening service this week.
Wednesday 7 PM –
Prayer meeting and Bible study in the book of Luke in the fellowship hall.
Thursday 10 AM –
Ladies Bible Study in the fellowship hall.
Until Christ Returns,
Pastor Bill