If there was ever a time when you loved the Lord Jesus Christ more than you love Him at this moment; if there was ever a time when He meant more to you, when prayer was sweeter to you, when worship was more real to you, when your service was more effective for the Lord Jesus Christ; if there was ever a time when it was more than it is right now, you may be backsliding. Getting back to where the fellowship with Him was as if He was as close as your next breath is but a prayer of repentance away. He longs for that sweet fellowship with us…
If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins
and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness. (1 John 1: 9)
Knee Mail:
Please pray for Eddie who was just diagnosed with esophageal cancer. He is going to Toronto to see what treatment options are available. We ask for medical or miracle healing. Pray for the Ukraine. Pray for upcoming elections…
Disappointments Denials & Determination: Fear (1 Sam. 23, Psalm 27)
Have you ever been gripped by the kind of fear that causes your heart to pound, your mind to race and you panic? We find the phrase ‘fear not’ some 365 times in scripture. Join us Sunday morning as we see how we can grow through whatever fear we go through.
Worship begins at 10:30 and we are online by 9 AM. YouTube/ City Bible Church SSM
Sunday Night:
Matt & Sandra continue to lead us through a challenging study in 1 Peter.
Ecclesiastes: Surrendering To God’s Sovereignty (Chapter 3)
Our time together Wednesday evening brings us face to face with the reality of the sovereignty of God.
7 PM at the church or online at YouTube/ City Bible Church SSM
In His grip,
Pastor Bill