Let me share a wonderful truth with you;Therefore He is also able to save to the uttermost those who come to God through Him, since He always lives to make intercession for them. Hebrews 7:25It’s a wonderful thing in this time we are in, to know that Jesus is watching over each and everyone of us. He is praying for us. The Saviour. The Shepherd. The King. The Prince. He is praying for you!!! Do you feel encouraged?
I do!
Just to know that the One who died for me prays for me is enough. He lives to stand in the gap for us. What a mighty God we serve! What mercy we don’t deserve! You and I are on Jesus’ prayer list! You… He knows you. And He is praying you through the eye of the storm.
Knee Mail:
How can we pray for you??? Please forward any prayer requests you have through this email, or text/call me at… (705) 255-1959.
Revelation Revealed: The Judgement of the Unsaved
There is coming a time when God will put the final period, in the final paragraph of the final chapter, in the final book of human history. The final judgement will come, and the unsaved dead will be raised from their graves to stand before the Throne of God. Chapter 20 describes the ‘Great White Throne Judgement‘. Join us live at 7:00 PM online. or watch the recorded video at YouTube/City Bible Church SSM
City Bible Church @ Home: A Model For Mothers
I hope you will be with us Sunday morning (Anytime after 9 AM) as we will be honouring mothers through a special message from God’s Word. YouTube/ City Bible Church SSM
In Christ alone,
Pastor Bill