Krys and I want to send our warmest Christmas greetings to you and your family at this very special time of the year. What a precious time of year to deeply focus on the incarnation of our Lord Jesus, and to meditate in God’s Word on what His coming has meant.
“Joy to the world, the LORD has come!”
Happy are those whose eyes and hearts have been opened to see Who He really is, and what He came to do!
Love on conquest to rescue the perishing! He was crucified and then “laid behind a stone”; raised from the dead and “then ascended to the Throne”; crowned Lord of all and now soon “coming for His own!”
This same Jesus Who was crucified for our sins was raised from the dead by the Father, and today He sits on the throne of all eternity as the Risen and Reigning Lamb of God. He has given us the privilege of knowing Him and being indwelt by His very Life and nature. Oh, we need to more deeply understand the glory of Who He is, and what He has done…and who we are to become IN HIM. I have been meditating afresh in those glorious, fathomless chapters in John 14-17. Overwhelmingly awesome! His gracious promises to us are literally mind boggling, and they should stir our hearts with “heavenly burnings.”
Christmas time is a good time to ask the Holy Spirit to remind us afresh, from the Word of God, of these amazing things. “Re-ignite us Lord!” He is longing to make these truths literally burn in our bones, and to give us a fervent, authentic intimacy with Himself that brings glory to His Name. Christmas is really all about that. Thank God for the privilege of having a holy relationship with Him. He wants that! He is Lord!
As we gather with our families and friends this Christmas may we each be filled with a profound awareness of what a privilege He has given to us to know Him.
“Oh come let us adore Him, Christ the Lord.” We gather together unto Him and worship Him gladly.
In Christ alone,
Pastor Bill