Hello to each of you,
I trust you are safe and well… I am thrilled to announce that beginning this Sunday, February 21st., we are able to have Sunday morning worship together at the church building. I’m sure we need no reminder to practice safe distancing and wear a mask. If you are planning to attend, please let us know. Our Lord has been gracious through all of this, we have much to be grateful for.
I was glad when they said to me, “Let us go into the house of the Lord.” Psalm 122:1
Revelation Revealed: The Brand Of The Beast
I plan to spend one more week in chapter 13, hoping to bring more clarity to the last 7 verses. I hope you can join us, we will be live on YouTube at 7 PM.
City Bible Church @ Home: Mourning vs. Moaning
We continue in our series in the Beatitudes this Sunday morning. ‘Blessed are those who mourn, for they shall be comforted.’ (Matt. 5:4) I am always amazed at the ‘Grace of God’, (although I shouldn’t be) as He prepares my heart for what He wants us to look at week by week. There were two very significant situations I hope to share, that happened this week to confirm His leading. Join us after 9 AM on Sunday. Our YouTube channel is listed below…
Knee Mail:
Again, we encourage you to allow us the privilege of bringing your requests to the Lord in prayer. You can send them to citybiblessm@gmail.com or by phone at (705) 255-1959.
YouTube/City Bible Church SSM
In His grip,
Pastor Bill