Warmest Greetings to each of you.

Since the first world war, the US has been receiving money from people, who ‘self-imposed’ fines on themselves, for taking combat boots and army blankets and so on.  There are those who have felt guilty for taking field jackets, and anonymously send the government a money order to cover the cost and ease their guilty conscience. 

There are those who have failed to put the right amount of postage on an envelope, on purpose, so they send that in to the government, because they cheated on that.  There are those who have cheated on their income tax, who anonymously send in the money that they  cheated them of.  Paul Harvey told of the government receiving an anonymous letter with several hundred dollars in it.  It said, “Here is the money I cheated you out of last year.  If I still can’t sleep, I’ll send the rest.”  In fact there is a special account named the ‘Federal Conscience Fund’, which has a balance in excess of three million dollars, that people have sent, just to ease a guilty conscience.

I’m looking forward to spending time, once again, looking into the life of Joseph.  If you have the time. I hope you can read through chapter 42 of Genesis, where we will be looking at ‘Hardened Consciences, Covered Up Guilt & Freedom From Past Grudges.

Please send us your ‘Knee-mail’ (Prayer requests).  We need to be known as a people of prayer, and we welcome the opportunity to “make our requests known’. It is an honour to bring them to the Throne of Grace.  You can email to: citybiblessm@gmail.com or to me directly, faith1@shaw.ca or join the ‘chat’ during the study.

In Christ alone,

Pastor Bill

Acts 20:24