Happy Canada Day to all. I hope you are enjoying the heat wave, and staying cool at the same time. (I’m sure that is a thing???)
We are looking forward to our regular Wed. online and opening God’s Word. This week promises to be one that brings us face to face with application, for the times we are in. Join us as we look at ‘Leadership Joseph Style’, Wednesday evening at 7 PM.
(YouTube/ City Bible Church SSM)
People say, “I don’t believe God can use me.” You’re limiting Him. “Well,” you say, “all right then, I’ll just serve God in my poor little way.” Listen, He doesn’t want you to serve him in your “poor little way.” God wants to take ordinary people and do extraordinary things through them!
Knee Mail: I encourage you to let us know how we can be praying for you. You can send your prayer requests to or contact me at (705) 255-1959.
In Christ alone,
Pastor Bill