50 Cent Haircuts?

Greetings all…

I heard of a time back when haircuts were 50 cents, back in the olden days. A preacher went into the barbershop and got a haircut, and he started to pay the barber. The barber said, “No, that’s all right. You’re a pastor. I’m not going to charge you.” The pastor said, “No, I want to pay.” The barber said, “No, I will come listen to you preach, and I’ll take it out in preaching.” The pastor said, “I don’t have any 50-cent sermons.” The barber said, “That’s okay. I’ll come twice.” 


I want to tell you that a sermon (or bible study) that does not affirm the resurrection of Jesus Christ is a profitless, worthless exercise in futility. In our study Wed. night in Ecclesiastes 9, we find the reality of that as the ‘New Covenant’ is revealed. You will want to be there…


City Bible Church @ Home: Bringing Balance Back to Life                            

Tonight’s study promises to be a good one, you won’t want to miss it. Join us at 7 PM. Take part in the live chat by becoming a ‘Subscriber’


YouTube/ City Bible Church SSM


Knee Mail: Please let us know how can we pray for you and those you love? We are seeing The Father answer in some amazing ways. Should we be surprised??? Call, email or text…


In His grip,

Pastor Bill